© Auer Media, www.gamescraftscoloring.com
- small glass jars (baby food jars)
- small chocolate eggs
- paper
- cardstock
- print paper
- scissors and a glue stick
- (ribbon)
- Print out the easter bunny template
(2 bunnies) and cut out all the parts.
- Spread glue onto the bunny´s head but not on the
round area under the head. Glue the head on cardstock.
- Glue the hands on cardstock.
- Cut out hands and the head.
- Cut an egg out of print paper or color cardstock.
- Bend the round parts under the easter bunny´s head outwards to form a
circle and glue on a jar lid.
- Glue the hands in front of the head.
- Glue the egg between the hands. Bend hands a little bit downwords.
- Fill the jar with small chocolate eggs and place the lid on. If you
like, you can tie a ribbon around the bunny´s neck so you´ll have a
super cute easter bunny.